An Afternoon of Thoughtful Reflection and Inspiration

This afternoon brought an unexpected and deeply touching moment when I was honored by a surprise visit from our Chairman of the Board of Directors, Rogers Baguma. In celebration of my belated birthday, Rogers presented me with a gift that has left a lasting impression: a limited-edition set of customized Parker Pens and Ram Charan’s insightful book, “Boards That Deliver.”

Ram Charan, a globally respected expert in corporate governance and a best-selling author, offers invaluable guidance in his book—a resource that could not have come at a better time. As we continue to build and strengthen Next Media, the principles of robust governance are more critical than ever in helping us fully leverage our competitive edge.

Alongside this meaningful gift, Rogers shared a powerful quote from Mahatma Gandhi: “In a gentle way, you can shake the world.” This quote resonates deeply with our mission at Next Media, as we aim to lead with impact, creating meaningful change in our industry and beyond.

I am incredibly grateful to Rogers for this thoughtful gesture and his unwavering support. It’s moments like these that remind me of the strength and dedication of our leadership team, and the shared vision we all strive to bring to life at Next Media.

Thank you, Rogers, for your continued encouragement and for inspiring us to lead with both strength and humility.



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