Next Media Digital Alignment Taking Shape.

Over the last two weeks, I have held engagements with various departments of Next Media, brainstorming on how we can realign ourselves to the digital agenda. Global technological advancements have progressively affected how our audiences consume our products and services. We cannot continue approaching our work the same as we currently do, especially with our winning DNA. 

I am glad that these engagements have been fruitful and grateful to the Transformers, who yet again turned up for each with an open mind and many opinions and ideas to share on the matter. 

Among others, our sessions, greatly helped by the materials we had at our disposal, enabled us to identify gaps that have developed between some of our promises and the new realities in the market. These findings will be very helpful as we realign and prepare to execute a strategy that will keep our brands attractive and, very importantly, relevant in our very competitive environment. 

I am also very honoured to see that, like they believed that I could lead them to who we are today, the Transformers committed to walking this talk with us, which I interpret as their vote of confidence in my leadership to deliver this success too. Now, twende tuchape kazi tujenge nchi yetu! #NextMediaUG.




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