NBS Housing Baraza Fourth Edition Launched.

Our 4th Edition of the #NBSHousingBaraza has this morning officially opened and will go on through today and tomorrow live on NBS and Sanyuka TV. Thank you, Housing Finance Bank, National Planning Authority, Innovation Village, NSSF Uganda, Uganda Revenue Authority, Plascon Uganda and Soliton Telmec.  Because of you, this edition is possible. I am hopeful that by […]

Next Media Digital Alignment Taking Shape.

Over the last two weeks, I have held engagements with various departments of Next Media, brainstorming on how we can realign ourselves to the digital agenda. Global technological advancements have progressively affected how our audiences consume our products and services. We cannot continue approaching our work the same as we currently do, especially with our […]

UN In Uganda Next Media Courtesy Visit

Thank you, Susan Namondo, the UN in Uganda Resident Coordinator, for sparing time from your very busy schedule to visit us at the #NextMediaPark to, among others, brainstorm with us on how our brands can best support the different UN Agencies. I commend your commitment to this direction, especially because by the nature of our business, we […]

A Visit to Jumia Uganda Head Offices

Our friends at Jumia Uganda hosted me at their Head Offices, where outgoing CEO Ron Kawamara introduced me to Vinod Goel, their incoming CEO. I am grateful for the relationship our brands have enjoyed over the last decade, and I look forward to more. #NextMediaUG  

2022 BBC Media Leaders’ Conference

Today has marked the close of the 2022 BBC Media Leaders’ Conference, where we have trained and engaged with fellow media groups’ CEOs across Africa to build more resilient media for our continent’s future. I greatly appreciate our partner, BBC. The conference has been quite insightful, especially as it had me, among others, reflect on […]

NBS Sport Broadcasts Tusker Malt Uganda Open Golf Championship

Another great #NextMediaUG milestone has been reached today! Ugandan golf live coverage like it has never been done before, executed by #Uganda-ns! Congratulations to you, our Next Production Outside Broadcast team. I greatly appreciate you, and I’m proud of you!  Uganda’s most prestigious golf tournament, the annual Tusker Malt Uganda Open Golf championship, returned for its […]

Sanyuka Television Relaunched; available on multiple platforms

HERE WE GO! Sanyuka Television, highly competitive while on a single platform over the years, has been relaunched and is now available on multiple pay-TV platforms, Free-To-Air, and Afro Mobile. I trust we shall serve #Uganda even better with our great talent. #SanyukaMundaMuli #SanyukaUpdates 

Official Launch of our forever home, Next Media Park

The Next Media journey to-date is also very much about the viewers, listeners, readers and partners that have tremendously consumed our products over the years. Thank you! We promise you even more informative, transformational and engaging content from the #NextMediaPark. I thank all of you that have reached out to congratulate us on the milestone […]

Afro Mobile App, our Content Distribution Channel

No one represents you to your stakeholders and, in our case, receives as much feedback as your staff can. Because of this, we had a meeting with our On-Air Talent this morning to receive feedback on our Afro Mobile app and share with them more on what we are doing to improve the user and […]

Uganda Revenue Authority Visit to Next Media Park

Building #Uganda remains the top-most drive behind everything we do at Next Media, and I believe a good tax-paying culture will ALWAYS be key in actualizing the ideas we all have for our motherland. Thank you, Uganda Revenue Authority leadership members, for visiting the Next Media Park.  The insights we shared are great. I am very certain […]